Use the tabs at right to navigate this quick guide.
1. Log-in at
For help logging-in go to How to login or resetting your password
2. Hover over Submit Expenses tile
Hovering will reveal ‘Paid from Business Bank Account’ or ‘Paid Personally’.
Select business or personally paid accordingly
You may have paid for company expenses in your personal capacity or using your business account and this must be specified when capturing your business expenses.
Capture expense details
Capture an amount, select an appropriate expense category and select the date the expense was actually paid.
Add expense, repeat as necessary
Check the details and click add expense.
Delete, add or edit before saving expenses
Before clicking Save Expenses, add all expenses, check details and edit descriptions. You can only delete and re-add expenses at this stage before clicking Save Expenses.
Review expenses
Review on saving expenses; please contact the team should you notice any errors.
Continue submitting other expenses if required
Review your expenses and continue with further submissions if necessary.