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Logging-in for the first time

At yourcompanyportal.com click the ‘Reset your password’ link below the log-in window. You’ll be redirected to the ‘Password reset’ page which requires you submit your username. If you don’t have a username yet you will be issued one by the team in good time and before you need to log-in.

1. Send yourself a link to go reset your password
a. Go to https://www.yourcompanyportal.com/app/Account/PasswordReset
b. Enter your username and click Submit
c. An email will arrive in your inbox

2. Using the link
a. Follow the link, enter the reset details and click submit (you must use a new password)
b. Go to https://www.yourcompanyportal.com and use your username and new password
c. Try log-in immediately or as soon as possible to ensure the password is validated
d. The link will expire in a maximum of 24hrs

Once you have logged-in, your password will be set and valid.


Common log-in issues

Copying and pasting usernames and passwords
If you copy and paste your username and password please ensure you only copy the characters that make up the username and password ensuring you don’t capture blank spaces on either side of the string.

Log-in error message
If you click ‘Login’ and an error message appears, again, please fully refresh the page on your browser and try once more.

Browser settings
If you can’t log-in and you’re certain you’re using your the correct username and password please do refer to the browser settings page at http://userguide.yourcompanyportal.com/browser-settings/